Rethinking tourism for a sustainable, regional approach



Terri-Tour rethinks tourism for a sustainable, regional approach. Tourism is not the final goal of the project but rather the consequence of a well-planned diagnosis that primarily benefits the local community and property owners.

Creating a pleasant place to live that attracts visitors is a core principle.

This approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the unique needs of each project, the local environment, culture and the considerate balance between tourism and community well-being. This methodology is built on a structured process of Survey, Diagnosis, and Strategy & Action.




  • This initial phase involves the comprehensive collection of data related to the project area.

  • Data collected encompasses a broad spectrum, including insights into the local inhabitants and visitors, the historical context of the place, and the current state of the natural and built environment.

  • To achieve this, a diverse set of research tools, such as interviews, photography, and cartography, are employed. These tools facilitate in-depth research, ensuring a holistic understanding of the project's context and stakeholders.



  • Building on the data gathered in the survey phase, the diagnosis phase aims to identify the core challenges and opportunities within the project area, providing a foundation for informed decision-making.

  • The diagnosis contextualizes the project in a network and looks at different scales, from a private property to region. 


    Strategy and Action

    • The strategy phase is the actionable part of the process, directly informed by the diagnosis.

    • The strategy may encompass various elements, which could include rebranding, creating a new graphic identity, architectural renovations, or territorial restructuration. 

    • Furthermore, the strategy may propose different steps on a timeline or different solutions tailored to the unique needs of each project.


    'Highlighting the Hinterlands' is a research on the inland towns and farmland north of Great Ocean Road, a popular touristic destination in Victoria. It looks at the impact of renovations and small constructions on visitors and local communities. This research classifies the common buildings in typologies and gives ways to transform them to attract visitors, propose economic opportunities for local inhabitants and dispersal the visitors in the land.

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    Daisy Chalet is a hobby farm in Rumuruti, a town located four hours by car from Nairobi. The owner wanted to develop it for tourism, propose activities, renovate, and extend it.

    Territour helped create a new identity for the farm and rethought strategies for future architectural development by researching the area, understanding the tourism dynamic, and looking at local resources.

    Daisy Chalet is now a farm stay with a website, a logo, maps, and it proposes sustainable activities. The maps are not only a great tool to help visitors understand their surroundings, but they also help promote the farm and create a network between businesses. Daisy Chalet also has a master plan for future modification on the farm, such as signage, interior addition, and extension.
